海洋公園,不再「香港人的公園」 Ocean Park, Not “Park of Hong Kong people” Anymore

Slience Black
2 min readJan 14, 2020


此文章以包含中英文版本,英文不好,請多多包涵。This article includes both Chinese and English version, please forgive my poor English.


Recently, Hong Kong Government plans to give over 10 billions for the huge loss and renew plan of the Ocean Park, which continues to have huge loss for 4 years, to attract customers; Previously, Hong Kong Government had borrowed a huge amount of money to the Ocean Park before for their huge loss, in which the money is still not able to get back now. Where are the money, it’s from the tax of Hong Kong citizens who work hard every day!


In my opinion, the huge loss of the Ocean Park in 4 years is due to the improper marketing strategies of new CEO which take over the job 4 years ago, making Ocean Park is not “Park of Hong Kong People” anymore. Hong Kong Government should not put money again and again to this “black hole without bottom” and make citizens’ tax become total loss, but should put the money to people’s livelihood instead.

4年前開始接任的新CEO在市場策略上如何失當? 「一子錯、滿盤皆落索」,一切皆因大量吸納內地鄉鎮旅遊團所致。

How improper is the marketing strategies of new CEO which take over the job 4 years ago? “One False Move and The Game is Over”, all because of the start of accepting huge amounts of tours of rural community from Mainland China.

內地鄉鎮旅遊團使用的是價錢較低的團體票價,賣得越多,蝕得越多。 旅遊團團員由於文化水平低(部份人連入閘機也沒有見過),他們有很多會在場內不時大聲喧嘩、公然「打尖」、公然隨地吐痰、甚至公然就地大小二便而非步入洗手間處理,諸如此類,惹其他客人反感。每年加完又加的普通門票價錢及取消生日者朋友同行半價優惠, 不少香港人及外國遊客都沒有動力進場。

Since the tours of rural community from Mainland China use tour tickets which are cheaper prices, the more tour tickets being sold, the more money is being loss. Because of the low cultural level of the mainland people in the tours (some even have never seen the gate machine before), most of them speak very loudly, jump the queue without guilty, spit everywhere without guilty, and even foul the places with their excreta without guilty instead of using the toilet, and so on, making other customers feel disgusting. The increase and increase of common ticket price and the cancellation of half price benefit for customers go with friends that having birthday free benefits for visiting the Ocean Park, turn down the motivation of Hong Kong and foreign visitors to go to the Ocean Park.


On the other hand, the recent policies of the Ocean Park let Hong Kong people feel they are not neutral for politic affairs, no matter what new games, new themes or new benefits that the Ocean Park proposes, they cannot attract Hong Kong customers anymore, but making Hong Kong people think that the Ocean Park treat them as “spare tire”, only think of Hong Kong and foreign customers when they loss the Mainland customers.


Finally in my opinion, what the Ocean Park management need to do is review the improper marketing strategies they have done in previous 4 years, but not renew and explore blindly.

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