海洋公園,何去何從? The Ocean Park, “where should it go”?
此文章以包含中英文版本,英文不好,請多多包涵。This article includes both Chinese and English version, please forgive my poor English.
Recently, Hong Kong Government plans to reduce the amount to subsidy the Ocean Park from over 10 billions to over 5 billions for the huge loan and operation of the Ocean Park, where set aside the expansion plan, moreover, it is claimed that the Ocean Park will be shut down within several months if the subsidy application is not being passed later; Lots of people think that Hong Kong Government should not subsidy the Ocean Park as the Ocean Park got the huge loan and loss their attraction for local features. The Ocean Park, “where should it go”?
For discussing the source of the huge loan, please refer to my previous article:
As I mentioned in the previous article, in my opinion, Hong Kong Government should not put money again and again to this “black hole without bottom” and make citizens’ tax become total loss, but should put the money to people’s livelihood instead.
Although someone said it is not applicable to treat the Ocean Park as a kind of business, I cannot agree. Since the Ocean Park get admission fee for visitors to go inside for visiting the venues and playing the rides, where visitors are required to paid for the food and drinks as well as souvenirs. Even the Ocean Park also conservate marine ecology, the nature of the Ocean Park is actually a kind of business involving marine conversation. And so it is unavoidable to consider the future development of the Ocean Park from business perspective, in order to avoid the Ocean Park become the “black hole without bottom”.
但可怎樣做? 小編姑且天馬行空地說一下可行性,不喜勿插。
But what can do with it? I try to brainstorm some possibilities, please don’t blame on me if you don’t agree with me.
First, set aside the approval of subsidy application, and require the senior management of the Ocean Park provide the details of creditor information, so that the Hong Kong Government can meet with the creditors for discussing the possibilities of debt restructuring; it is because what the Ocean Park need should be debt restructuring instead of HK government subsidy the Ocean Park blindly. However, the senior management of the Ocean Park do not be honest, they mentioned one of their big creditor is the Bank of China (a Chinese banking where it is saided that there is senior staff acting as the senior management of the Ocean Park) reluctantly when the councillors ask for several times in LegCo, it is hard to let Hong Kong people believe their executive and operation due to their uncooperative attitude.
Next, it is needed to replace the current senior management, and hire Allan Zeman and his team again to govern the Ocean Park. Since the Ocean Park is getting worse and worse and the loan is getting huge and huge since governed by the current senior management, they have the responsibility for making the situation no matter what their excuses are, and they need to resign for it. On the other hand, HK Government need to hire Allan Zeman and his team again to govern the Ocean Park, as he and his team had make the Ocean Park become a significant theme park with profits, they are much better than the current senior management of the Ocean Park.
Moreover, don’t use “Hong Kong people’s Collective Memory” for one of the excuses, since many important “Hong Kong people’s Collective Memory” had been banned, e.g. Old Star Ferry Pier, Lai Chi Kok Amusement Park, etc., the unique and locality (if any) of the Ocean Park is not enough for it to become an exception case of “Hong Kong people’s Collective Memory”, and take a huge amount of the tax of Hong Kong citizens for keeping it.
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